Ottawa, Ontario

About Us

The Parent Resource Centre

As a children’s charity, the Parent Resource Centre (PRC) is a leader in family support programs and comprehensive training for professionals. With a focus on child development, parent support, training and research, the PRC aims to have a lasting impact on the well-being of children. By using best-practices, we offer a holistic approach to support children, parents and caregivers, as well as front-line service providers who work with and nurture our children.


The PRC is committed to high quality, accessible programs, and provides relevant parenting information that makes a tangible difference in families’ lives. Our service area includes greater Ottawa and the surrounding counties.


With more than 40 years of service in the child and youth sector, the PRC is considered a destination for children, parents, caregivers and professionals.  

Our Vision

Communities where all children discover and develop skills to live the best life possible.


Our Mission

The Parent Resource Centre is a leader in holistic family support programs and comprehensive training for professionals in Ottawa and the surrounding counties. We offer....

  • Play-based learning for children
  • Support and education for parents and children to foster secure attachment
  • Resources, referrals and evidence-informed training for families and professionals.

Our Values

Child and family centered: we believe children, youth and families come first; parents and caregivers are the primary agents of change


Holistic: We provide a range of services related to enhancing the well-being of children; this includes a system of supportive, adaptable, and diverse services for children and youth, families, and volunteers.


Inclusive: We recognize and uphold the principle of equity, respecting uniqueness.


Leadership: We offer our professional opinion on matters affecting children and youth. We provide innovative opportunities for growth, and collaborate with others to maximize resources.


Dedicated: We are committed to meeting the changing needs of the children in our communities.


In response to a community-based proposal from parents and educators of preschoolers in the Ottawa-Carleton region, the Parent Resource Centre (formerly known as the Parent Preschool Resource Centre) was set up as a demonstration project of the Ministry of National Health and Welfare (now Health Canada). Incorporated in 1976, the original aim was to provide a centralized location to store, share and distribute information about the needs of preschool children, aged birth to five. The Centre evolved as a community-wide resource for caregivers, parents and professionals involved with early childhood issues.


It soon became apparent that one of the most important aspects of the Centre's service was to provide a place for parents and caregivers to meet, to access resources and to connect with other adults while their preschoolers played. "Drop-In" hours were extended and the number of daytime workshops and opportunities for volunteering were increased to meet the needs of the community.


Outreach to caregivers and other community groups followed, and the past two decades have seen tremendous achievements throughout the wider community, particularly in supporting parents who, because of their social and economic circumstances, might not have access to the resources they need as they take on the challenging job of raising young children.


The PRC is funded primarily by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Children and Youth Services, and the City of Ottawa. Additional funding for specialized programs and projects is provided by:

  • Fundraising
  • Donations
  • Service Clubs
  • Foundations


The Parent Resource Centre in an incorporated charitable non-profit organization with a volunteer Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting is held in the Fall each year, and everyone is welcome. The Parent Resource Centre welcomes inquiries from members of the community who are interested in working as volunteers for the centre in a variety of ways, including membership on the Board of Directors.

© 2025 Ottawa Parent Resource Centre
Committed to every child's development
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