"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults" |
Jonathan Mugan
"I asked Dr. Jonathan Mugan, Computer Psychologist, Computer Science Researcher if he would write a "Letter To Students" about how to choose Their Perfect Career. This is his advice he Shared at www.careerskunks.com" Paul Cody
Dr. Jonathan Mugan,who specializes in artificial intelligence and machine learning. His current research focuses in the area of deep learning, where he seeks to allow computers to acquire abstract representations that enable them to capture subtleties of meaning. Dr. Mugan received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin. His thesis work was in the area of developmental robotics where he focused on the problem of how to build robots that can learn about the world in the same way that children do. Jonathan is also among the Team of Deep Grammar
What should I study? You want to make sure that you learn a set of concrete skills that separate you from your peers. When choosing among different courses of study, ask yourself how the knowledge gained will separate you from everyone else graduating that year. People who are broadly capable but who graduate without specific skills are often paid low wages.
Do I need to focus on getting good grades? Not really. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work hard. You should focus on understanding the fundamentals of your field of study so that they become part of your intuition. Memorizing facts for a test will get you good grades but won’t help you be successful.
Okay, I got it. I should study something concrete like computer science. Is that it? Concrete skills will land you a decent paying job, but to rise to the top of your field, you need to be a good storyteller. One way of telling your story is by being good at design. In your career, you will design websites and even presentation slides. People do judge books by their cover, so make sure yours catches their eye.
Is there anything else I can do to be a good storyteller? You should focus on public speaking. Practice every chance you get.
I get scared when I speak in front of people. Do you have any advice? Focus on what you are trying to communicate. Often, we focus on our prepared words, and a lot of the fear comes from not wanting to mess up the delivery. By focusing on what you want to communicate, and really trying to get it across even if you deviate from your script, you take the focus off your fear and put it where it belongs.
Jonathan Mugan is Author of The Curiosity Cycle, A Book for Parents and Educators.The Curiosity Cycle: Preparing Your Child for the Ongoing Technological Explosion http://www.jonathanmugan.com/
FOR THE HAPPYNESS OF YOUR FAMILY, I also Interviewed Mark Jaffe about Happyness! Mark was intimately involved in the rollout and expansion of THE LION KING, BEAUTY and THE BEAST , ALADDIN, LITTLE MERMAID Franchises during his time as head of Disney Records