Looking for services in your neighbourhood?
Let us help!
Welcome to the GoFamily! map developed by the Parent Resource Centre in collaboration with the Ottawa Best Start Network! This interactive map shows the locations and contact information for child and family services in Ottawa. These services are either free or have a minimal cost and have been divided into several categories which reflect the different needs of our growing population.
To find services near you:
1. Click on an icon to choose the type of service you are looking for.
2. Enter your address or toggle the zoom on the bottom right of the map.
3. Click on an icon in the map to find more information about the service.
Have any comments or suggestions? Fill out our feedback survey!
Questions and Updates
This map is a first step in providing families with access to information about free or low-cost services in their communities. The development of the GoFamily! map is an iterative process and we will continue to add service locations to the map as they become available.
Please contact the programs directly should you require further information on the services available.
For any inquiries regarding the mapping tool or to signal any errors, updates, or omissions, please contact information@parentresource.ca
Links to Partner Resources
Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative – Growing Up Great
Looking for Child Care in Ottawa?
City of Ottawa Child Care Registry and Waitlist
Child Care Providers Resource Network
Information on this site is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. PRC disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions. External links to other sites and service listings in the mapping tool are intended to be information and do not have the endorsement of the PRC.
OMS: https://github.com/jawj/OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier