"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults" |
Sabrina Maria's Letter to Passionate Kids
Sabrina Maria
Country / Rock Music - Singer / Songwriter
"I asked Sabrina Maria what she would say to Inspire a class of Kids who Dream of Playing, Singing, Writing Music. Here is her answer." Paul Cody
Sabrina's Debut Album "Blank Canvas" is now avialable
Sabrina's Music's " Letter To Passionate Kids
Dear beautiful children, what an honour it is to be able to write this letter to you. I’ve often thought; if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say to your child self? It is a pleasure, therefore, to be able to share this with you.
I was such a shy child and quite a complex character. I always compared myself to others and wished I was them. What a big mistake – it took me many years to learn that ‘you’ as a person are a gift to the world. I started singing from an early age in the school choirs and performing in school shows. I was always told I had a beautiful voice, but I was far too shy to ever get a solo or a leading role and again, I would wish I was like the lead singer/performer. This negative thinking is not good for you! We all grow in life and I wish I hadn’t wasted so many years wishing I was someone else and trying to be like everyone else, but instead used that time to nurture who ‘I’ am and my gift of singing. This is the advice I would give my young self, so it’s with pleasure I give it to you!
I still don’t really like performing in front of people or being the centre of attention, but life is not meant to be easy and I’ve had to work hard to overcome these fears. If you suffer from the same fears, accept them and KNOW that you can change your outlook on life, but you have to work on yourself and most importantly LOVE yourself. Finally, just to re-cap; be yourself, follow your dreams (even if you think you are not good enough or too shy). There will be ‘so called’ friends trying to tell you you’re not good enough. Don’t listen to them and don’t listen to any negativity. Don’t be mean to anyone, just politely walk away. It may mean finding new friends who actually believe in you and love you for the awesome person that you are! Lastly but by no means least; pray! Give your dreams to God and trust in Him. Surrender all your fears to Him and then wait and see what miracles He will provide in your life. Peace, hope and love to all you beautiful children. Sabrina Maria xxx
Will YOU Write YOUR MUSIC'S Letter to Passionate Kids? Contact Sabrina
P.S. From Sabrina and Former Senior Executive of Disney Records Mark Jaffe, "Your Suitcase of Happiness"