"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults" |
Gene Watt, Realtor
Your Realator Gene Watt? Smart move.
Make the smart move,
call 778 668-7253.
Top 1% of the 11,000+ Vancouver-area realtors
"I Interview Passionate Scientists, Engineers, Leadership Experts, Music Artists, Dancers, Illustrators and others who Inspire Passionate Kids / Students / Adults and help them Choose Their Career.
While doing this I met Vancouver BC Area Realtor Gene Watt and asked him if his Passion for Realty would do an Interview to Inspire others to exciting Careers as Realtors!" - Paul Cody
VISIT GENE at genewatt.com or CALL GENE 778 668 7253 Get Ready To GET SOLD
When Gene Watt transitioned his 30-year career as a B.C. court administrator and adjudicator and became a realtor in the Vancouver area, everything clicked. Negotiation, collaboration, productive compromise, attention to detail, integrity – Gene combined his contract law and mediation background with his friendly, funny, people-person side and sold the heck out of real estate! In just five years, Gene earned a place among the top 1% of the 11,000+ Vancouver-area realtors. That means the top 100 of the third largest real estate board in Canada! http://genewatt.com/biography.html
So you've passed the test and your licence is proudly hanging on the wall. Congratulations, you've only scratched the surface of what it takes to be a realtor.
You need seed money, patience and creativity to get you through the first few all-important deals.
The initial investment in marketing yourself and getting established as a realtor can be a real eye-opener, costing tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, some newbies straddle day jobs until they can afford to take on real estate full time.
Your first few clients are likely going to be friends, family and former colleagues. You have to prove to them that you will overcome your lack of experience with unbridled enthusiasm and a network of colleagues—including your new managing broker and mentors—who will help you navigate the tricky bits.
Working with friends and family is a good thing. First, they're more likely to cut you some slack (though you shouldn't expected it) and, second, it gets you on the right track to treating all your future clients—many of whom will be perfect strangers—like family.
Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Focus on doing everything you can to make every client feel special. Happy customers and win-win deals lead to more customers and more deals. You can and must rely on that virtuous cycle.
What types of people/personalities make the best realtors?
It's hardly earth shattering insight, but a can-do attitude is a must. Real estate is rooted in commission sales, so those skewed towards customer service and thoughtful, productive negotiation are going to succeed.
But it goes deeper than the deal.
Moves are triggered by significant life events. Some are positive like career changes and growing families. But homes also go on the market because of failed relationships, financial crisis and probate. A realtor needs to balance effective real estate solutions with sensitivity for the varied reasons people buy and sell.
You have to want to see your clients thrive. Helping people achieve their real estate goals is a realtor's way of helping them prosper, overcome challenges or simply move forward.
What's it like working in a family real estate team?
When my sons Bill, Kevin and I are hitting all cylinders, we are unstoppable.
Our success is mostly because we all bring different—but complimentary—skill sets to the table. My big advantage is 30 years of contract law and arbitration as an adjudicator in the B.C. justice system. Bill's is his successful interior design and natural ability to find homes that meet our clients' specific needs. Kevin brings leading-edge digital marketing and web design, which is essential in today’s real estate world.
Obviously as family we have a deep level of trust in each other, but it took time and patience to learn and value each other's instincts.
When you're working with family there's more on the line than business success or failure. Learn how to read each other's cues and know when and how to compromise.
The occasional friction (which happens in any family dynamic) is well worth the satisfaction of enjoying success with my sons by my side.
P.S. To Tsawwassen residents,
"Real estate in Tsawwassen and the surrounding areas involves much more than homes, land and numbers. It's about people and families. And when it comes to you and your family, every member is important. We to ensure that your new home and neighbourhood fits your needs, so when the transaction closes, you are satisfied not only today, but for years to come. To me, that's what being a realtor is all about." - Gene Watt
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