
"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults"

Vocalist Jennifer Mlott

1ST Time Ever, 13 Hosts Interview 1 Very Pasionate, Talented,

MUSICIAN, CHOREOGRAPHER, DANCER Who Inspires Kids to Love, Create, Sing, Play and Share Music!  Meet Josie Music Awards 2017 Nominee Jennifer Mlott

Before we begin, A "Letter to Kids" from Jennifer Mlott

"To all of you wonderful little human beings reading this !! Every dream begins with a dreamer. If you have a dream, go for it!! Don't let the world deter you from your passion and what you feel in your soul is right. Be the perfect you because that is where your heart lies. Don't let the crowd and the, "that's what ever one else does" trap you into a situation you don't want to be in. Stay strong! I have a sign in my room that says, Never, Never, Never Give Up! I start my morning with it every day and try to remember it when the world has got me down or I feel like giving up. You have within you the passion and strength to do anything!! Don't give up! My parents always told me to do what made my heart happy and what made me passionate in life. If you don't follow your dreams, who is going to? Stay strong, pray for strength and Don't give up! The world is waiting for your special gift! Go out there and follow your heart because that is the reward! Love you all!"  Jennifer Mlott

"While interviewing the Album of Jazz Vocalist William Price King and Guitar Virtuoso Eric Sempe,  I met the Passionate, Compassionate Voice of Jennifer Mlot  t  . I asked her if her Talents would do an Interview with fellow Music Artists and other Passionate people  to Inspire Kids to  Sing, Play and Love Music!  Jennifer of course said Yes!"  Paul Cody

P.S. Meet Jennifers Voice " When You Walked into My Life,  Somebody Else's Moon,     Feathers on a Wing,  Almost Lover"

P.S. REMEMBER Your  Suitcase of Happiness from  Mark Jaffe former Senior Executive at the Walt Disney Company, Jennifer and I !

Jennifer Mlott is a multi-talented award-winning Vocalist, Choreographer and Dancer from Indianapolis, Indiana. She is also a member of The Dazzlerz, a talented trio that just released their first CD in 2016. Jennifer is a three time National Vocal Champion and has appeared on the Nashville, Tennessee TV Show, Nashville Spotlight several times. Jennifer and the talented Dazzlerz, also recently taped a Christmas Special for the Nationally Renowned TV Show. She was a featured soloist for Pointe for the Cure, a benefit concert and gala to raise money for Riley Children's Hospital and children with cancer. Jennifer spends a lot of her spare time performing and raising awareness with many Charities including the Down Syndrome Foundation. Jennifer loves to entertain and has performed at numerous venues such as the Indy 500 Mini Marathon, Indiana Pacers, Greenwood Summer Concert Series, Riley's Children's Hospital, Create for the Cure Cancer Organization, Down Syndrome Foundation, Indianapolis Indians, Indy Fuel, Naptown Roller Girls, plus numerous festivals, charity events, and concerts.

In October 2016, Jennifer released her first Single, "When You Walked Into My Life". Jennifer released her second single, "Feathers on a Wing" in January 2017. Feathers is a tribute to her beloved grandmother who recently passed away. Jennifer is currently working on several new projects with her talented producer, Jonell Polansky, a multi Platinum credited producer and owner of DaCapo Music. Jennifer will be appearing in June at the CMA Showcase for Nashville Spotlight. She can also be seen performing with The Dazzlers during CMA week at Opry Mills Unplugged. Check out Jennifer's new releases on April 17th, 2017.

Jennifer Mlott.com

Interview by Paul Cody with these remarkable Passionate Co-Hosts to Follow and Like,

Happy Julie Hmker, 50 Major Surgeries & Still Happy

Retired Naval, Submarine Commander The Captain,

Ava PaigeGrace Renee Scott SlatteryLongbow GuitarsFaith & Harry Rowan , John Dorhauer.  Jenn Ibarra David R Guitard,   Screwdriver76, Danielle Haskell


Happy Julie;  Jennifer, what motivates you to be so philanthropic? From where do you gain such Passion?

Jennifer;  First of all, thank you Julie for interviewing me it's quite an honor to meet one of the original Riley Hospital kids!  To answer the 1st part of your question, My motivation lies in making kids happy in any way I can.There are so many kids out there less fortunate than me and I want to bring as much happiness, Joy and encouragement to them as I can. Watching a child sick with cancer, at Riley's Children's Hospital, light up when I walk in his hospital room and hand him a box of legos is an image I carry in my mind. I am happy to be a helping hand. Bringing some joy to their eyes makes me feel like I am making a difference.  Second part of your question: I have definitely gained my compassion from my parents. I have grown up in my mom's studio were we have gone out into the community as long as I can remember entertaining. We visit senior citizens homes, the kids at Riley's Children's Hospital, fundraisers for Create for the Cure for children with Cancer, working with the Down Syndrome Foundation and Clothe a Child. I have been blessed to grow up in a family that understands the importance of giving back.  I am so happy to meet you Julie and be able to hear so many great things about you! Paul said you had a dog named George? I wish I could have heard your dog George howl in Harmony to Tom Petty to make you laugh! I have 2 dogs also and they're always cracking me up! Thanks again for taking the time to interview me a truly appreciate it and I'm honored to know you now.

Paul;  Jennifer, what is the process that you go through that helps you pick your songs for your album?

Jennifer;  My producer works with numerous song writers where they submit songs to her hoping to be matched up with an artist. We meet and listen to each song of interest multiple times. I really try to stay open minded and think of my circumstances and see if I feel a connection with the song. I choose my music based on those feelings.

The Captain; Jennifer, I applaud your focus on children. It's encouraging to me. What's the why behind your efforts to make a difference?

Jennifer;  I just want to make a difference!  That is why we are on earth , isn't it?

Ava Paige Music;  How do you get inspiration for a song?

Jennifer;  I am not a songwriter yet but I would say I am inspired by special and important moments in my life.

Lonbow Guitars;  Do you think tribute bands are for musicians that gave up on their own music?

Jennifer;  No, not at all! If anything, I think it is the sign of great respect for somebody that has influenced and inspired them.

Paul Cody;  Does your environment where you live, influence what you sing about today?

Jennifer; I would say, No, but I do go to different places that help me focus on my music. I love a big lake right by my house and I walk the bridge often to contemplate my music. It helps to clear my mind!

Paul;   What are some of the things that inspire your music?

Jennifer;  I am inspired by my surroundings, memories, and monumental points in my life that have shaped me into who I am today. I am also inspired by bands such as Owl City/Adam Young because of his Christian approach to music.

Scott Slattery;  If you had to choose one artist to tour with and a venue to play at, who and where would that be?

Jennifer;  I would have to say Coldplay .They have inspired me for so many years. I absolutely love their music. The venue would have to be Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis Indiana, so I could have all my family and friends there to share the amazing experience.

Faith Rowan;  Do you ever doubt you'll be at successful recording artist and if you have self doubt how do you get past those feelings?

Jennifer;  I do not believe success is determined by how much money I make as a recording artist but by how it makes people feel but by how it makes people feel. If I put my heart and soul into my music and people want to purchase my music, that is success to me!

Danielle Haskel;  Do You find it difficult to maintain balance in your life with your schedule?  What is the pros and cons of being in the entertainment industry and having a life that is public?

Jennifer;  Yes I do!! I am actually cutting back one of my jobs to have more time to spend on my music. It gets very exhausting otherwise!   Pros: I get to meet so many new people that have touched my life in ways I never would have known before. Also, I get to do a lot of things most people do not get to do like performing on numerous stage and bringing happiness and pleasure to kids and adults alike with my music. I get to do what I love and make a living doing it!  Cons: I don't get a lot of time to myself. You definitely lose some privacy. I am not to that point to much yet. People also think it is easy but it's not and it is a lot of work at all hours of the day.

David R Guitard;  What do you make sure that you do in your career so to inspire others including children that look up to you?

Jennifer;  I do a lot of performances and donating of my time to local foundations and events such as Riley Children's Hospital, where I am a part of the Team Joey Foundation, Create for the Cure which raises money for children with cancer, Down Syndrome Foundation and numerous Senior Citizen centers. I think it is important to give back to the community and if i can inspire the kids to do the same when they get my age, then we will all continue to pay it forward. I am also a part of a group of vocalists that brings fairytale fantasies to children from the Make a Wish Foundation and other groups that try to inspire terminally ill children.

Stan Mathews;  If you could perform just one song what would it be?

Jennifer;  Feathers on a Wing because it is a tribute to my Nana and she loved it so much. She died 5 months ago. She was my rock and my best-friend.

Jenn Ibarra;  What is your creative process for your solo projects and The Dazzlerz?

Jennifer;  The Dazzlerz process is quite different than me personally. The Dazzlerz sit down and discuss what type of songs we would like to perform and go with majority rules. We try to feature everyone equally and work on music that shows each one of our talents. My Process is detailed in a another question and answer!

Srewdriver 76;  At what age did music 1st inspire you?  Do you feel that music you write can morally change a person's outlook on life?

Jennifer;  I cannot remember my life without music from the time I 1st have memories music was a part of them.  I do not write music as of yet, but I do believe it can change a lot! I actually pick songs that I think will inspire and Encourage people.

Grace Renee;  Do you get nervous before you perform and how do you deal with your nerves before you hit the stage?

Jennifer;  Yes I do! I actually try to focus and I get pretty quiet and go over my words in my head. It's best when I can isolate myself for a little bit and focus on the show.

Paul;  What inspired you as a child to want you to pursue singing?

Jennifer;  In all honesty, I fell in love with the movie, Anastasia. I loved each and every song and memorized every lyric. I would sing it day in and day out. Later in my teens, I loved Phantom of the Opera and would watch it every day. The music was so beautiful and haunting at the same time. It really inspired me to want to perform the songs.

Paul;   What are some of the trials you have gone through on your journey?

Jennifer;  I am sure every child has someone in their young life that they really love and respect. I was no different. I had 2 teachers whom I idolized. They were mentors to me and I thought the world of both of them for many years. One of these teachers began shunning me because I was the youngest in a group of older kids that did not want me to be a part of their group. I was placed in that group based on talent levels. She told me she was giving up on me to deter me from the group. I was devasted! It worked, I left the group and did not look back. The other mentor saw what had happened and picked up the pieces of my broken self-esteem and told me how much she did believe in me and not only said it but proved it by never leaving my life as a mentor to this day. She helped me achieve winning a National Championship. She is one of my best friends and I admire her so much.

Paul;  What do you hope to achieve with your music?

Jennifer;  I hope that I can inspire others as much as other artists have inspired me. Music has gotten me through a lot of difficult times in my life and with out these artists encouraging and intuitive music, I don't know where I would be. Music heals and inspires!

" I just want to thank all of these amazing artists that took time out of their busy schedule to interview me and help inspire children. This is what it is all about and I thank each one of you for helping to change the world for the better! God bless each and every one of you!"  Jennifer

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"Hello. My name is Paul Cody husband, father grandfather!  I  Interview and help remarkable people Interview Parents,  Passionate Leadership Experts, Professors, Engineers, Scientists, Filmmakers, Jazz Singers, Guitarists, Music Historians,  Music Artists like Jennifer Mlott who personally Inspire Kids by their example to dream big, work hard with Passion and get the education they need to achieve unlimited successful lives before dropping out or using  drugs as highlighted in the recent Interview Canadian Broadcasting Corporation did with my son Steve about his "Saying no for Nick " ( My Grandson) Campaign. "

P.S. Sponsored By Albums, Singles and, include yours Contact Paul Cody

"Love Will Find A Way"  by Guitarist  Wily Bo Walker

John Longbow Guitars

" We Tear Down Our Colliseums"  by Composer John Dorhauer

"Stan Mathews" by Stan Mathews, guitar playin'/singin/' truck drivin, father of 5, bio and foster.

Jack Dappa Blues Radio and TV

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