"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults" |
Guitarist Jenn Ibarra
Jenn Lbarra
Guitarist ,musician & guitar player in Aeolica Music
P.S. Will your Music, Album, Instrument do an Interview with a Collaboration of Music Artists and others for surreal Twit, FB exposure like Jenn ibarra did below? Ask Jenn HOW!
While Interviewing about The Father Of The Blues I met and asked the remarkable Guitar Talents of Jenn Ibarra if they would both do an Interview to inspire Kids to Love Music , Play Guitar and Create their own Music with Passion, like someone once did for Jenn! They both said YES!" Paul Cody
Jennifer Ibarra was born in 11.11.1993, Monterrey, Mexico!
She started her music education at 13 years old, but entered a YAMAHA school at age of 14, graduated at 17 years old.! Playing in contests by Yamaha and finalizing her studies, Jennifer became part of the Yamaha team as a teacher!
Guitarist of AEOLICA, heavy dance rock band formed in 2014. UNIVERSOS EP was released in 2016, having good response, and have played in some cities of Mexico.
Guitarist of Young Lust, hard rock band formed in 2016, actually recording music.
Paul; Jenn, when you were kid, did you imagine yourself playing as you do now?
Jenn; I used to pretend I was a famous singer, but as I grew older I realized sinfín wasn't my thing, and started to pay attention to guitar riffs and solos and thought that was what I wanted to play. When I started my studies I never imagined I could ever do same as musicians I heard in the radio, or even play their songs!
John; Jenn, What do you do when a kid says they can't ,when one knows that they can play guitar?
Jenn; I support them and I show them they can, specially with my students. Patience and perseverance with students is the key.
Mandy; Jenn, what was the first song you learned and what was the first song you taught to kids.
Jenn; The first song I learned fully was One by Metallica. The first song I reached was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, to a group of kids back in 2011 when I was 17 years old. Easy but at the same time hard because it was my first time giving lessons, and I discovered myself enjoying it! It wasn't about the song, but about the students being happy for their results.
David; Jenn, In your eyes, which metal bands influence impacted you the most to want to do what you do? Which band the most?
Jenn; I guess bands like Helloween, Dream Theater and Ghost B.C. are my major influence, but I remember I used to hear a lot Metallica thanks of my mom, and I made up my mind in studying guitar because sings the songs with passion and I realized I wanted people to sing with passion my own songs, or my band's.
Fortune's Folly; How were you first introduced to Metal, and what is it about the genre that made you passionate about playing guitar?
Jenn; I listen to metal thanks to my mom; since I was a little girl she listens to bands such as Metallica, Helloween, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, and she taught me lyrics that made me feel understood in my daily life's struggle. Though I was introduced in music by metal, the genre that made me feel passion at first heard was power metal: powerful solos, awesome melodies and high voices singing songs of despair and hopefullness... I then decided I wanted to play power metal all my life, but I discovered the magic of different music genres on the path.
Paul; What is your most difficult thing to do at the studio?
Jenn; I think it is to record every detail that we imagine by composing the song without being too much of everything; playing every sound in its place.
William; Jenn, do your teaching skills influence the way you play? If so, how? If not, please explain.
Jenn; A lot! I learn a lot as I teach, and helps me remember basic techniques that are useful resources for riffs and solos. I believe less notes sound better and you can print more of yourself.
Paul; Who is your favorite guitarist and most influence guitarist?
Jenn; My favorite guitarist is John Petrucci, guitarist of Dream Theater but he also has a solo album, where melodic, beautiful lines can be heard and enjoyed.
Paul; Do you play the genre of music you listen to?
Jenn; I like to listen to metal but also jazz, tango, and blues! I don't usually play that genres unless I'm teaching. I listen to lots of genres depending on my mood. I can just say I like songs with melody, singing or played by any instruments.
Paul; What are your goals in medium-long term?
Jenn; Finish the album with Young Lust and playing with Aeolica in other cities of Mexico besides where I live, also keep recording with them and make a music video. Personally, I want to be a sponsored musician and I will work hard for that!
"Being a musician is hard: expressing and trying to make others comprehend one's emotions, write music for the own enjoyment and receiving hard critics from those who believe that are better than us, trying to be the best in a world where are lots of excellent musicians... At this position, having the support from other musicians, friends and fans means a lot! They all are the ones who make this possible and make me feel grateful. I have no other words but THANK YOU for asking, reading and having your eyes and ears on me. Most of all, thanks to Paul who saw me and believed in me. I am no one, just another musician who loves to play, but now I feel I could do it all my life because I believe a little more in me." Jenn Ibarra