
"Bloomin' Passion, helping yours inspire kids into happy adults"

Bobby Swift, Passion-Songwriting

Songwriter Bobby Swift who still opens doors for his sweetheart.

"I asked Bobby Swift easy going & old fashioned who enjoys songwriting/co-writing , who holds friends & family near and dear to the heart and Bobby who still open doors for his sweetheart if his Passion for Music will write a "Letter To Passionate Kids" like all the others below!  Bobby, of course said YES!"  Paul Cody

STOP and Listen to SMILING FACES & HAPPY TAILS by Bobby Swift

Bobby Swift's Letter To Passionate Kids

"To all the awesome kids wondering what the future holds for you, dream big. Young dreamers and thinkers, keep your imagination and inner spirit alive, you are the key to the future. Never quit dreaming as your dreams may fuel your creative ideas that will shape the future.

It feels like it was not long ago being a kid and going through what most of you are dealing with daily. I was a lone ranger type that liked to adventure off and seek new things but enjoyed all the games the other kids in the neighborhood played. I was shy about getting in front of a group or having to read in front of the class which made me nervous. If I only knew then what I know now, I would have learned to do it better and never be afraid to shine in front of others. I wrote poetry but was too shy to share it with other vocally so kept it hidden for years. I should have got up and shared it with anyone willing to listen. Like I heard it said “the lion did not care what the sheep think” I should have been more like the lion and roared. Now that I am much older, if I could give one piece of advice, it would be never be afraid to shine or be yourself and share your many talents.

I have been songwriting for some time now and have met some of the coolest people. Many of them have become good friends and that alone makes it all worth it. I wish now that when I was kid I would have tried harder to share vocally all the wild stories and poems I dreamed up. I would be better at singing my own songs if I did not hold back as a kid. You are the key to our future and your dreams and imagination will be what drives your desires to be who you want to be. Dream big, never let anyone steel your dreams. The possibilities ahead of you are so huge and you can be what your hearts desires if you work hard at it.  Today, I reflect back on all the song demo’s I have written and co-written with very talented songwriters. I still work hard at trying to get our songs to talented artists to add them to their label and sing them. Nothing in life is guaranteed but like I tell you young talented kids, never give up on your dreams. My hobby of songwriting may just become my heart’s desire to write for a living. I am going to keep dreaming big, write more songs, a screen play and maybe a book! The possibilities are endless. Embrace your hidden talents, dream and keep believing in yourself. You can do it!

To the cool kids of our future, Rock On, Dream Big and never give up on your dreams."

Bobby Swift


P.S. For the brave kids that get on stage and perform in front of the crowds, dream BIG.

P.S. Bobby's Letter is included in 19 Letters To Passionate Kids





My Reverbnation music link https://www.reverbnation.com/bobbyswift

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