Musician Kellie-Anne Poirier Interviewed by 2 Skunks
Kellie-Ann Poirier
"Our Founders Skunks Stoosh & Skittles went on and on and on asking if each of them could Interview 14 year old Kellie-Ane Poirier CANADIAN SINGER, SONGWRITER, ARTIST, ACTRESS Living in Dubai!
For Kids, of course we said YES " Paul Cody, Dale Peece-Kelley
Stoosh & Skittles who Interview in Skunkish are World Famous Therapy Skunks.. Stoosh was in National Geographic Kids UK Magazine talking about her therapy work and also in a Natinal Geographic book called 125 True Stories of Amazing Pets. Skittles just likes to play! They were both Interviewed by 2 Texas Grade 3 classes , followed by an International Skype Interview. The classes Loved it!
OK OK you two can talk now!
"Kellie-Anne, we readed your "Letter to Passionate Kids" what you writed! We lovesed your Music what was in it. Can we asks your Passion fors Music a few teeny-weeny Questions?" Stoosh
Stoosh; How does you gets your inspirings for your songies?
Kellie-Anne ; Hey Stoosh! I get inspired by people's behaviours, love, caring, society issues, environnement issues, real life situations etc.
Skittles; Who is the other peoples and artists what does influences you?
Kellie-Anne Hi Skittles! Many people influence me. My family and friends are all very kind people. My mom went to Malawi to start a school and raises money for more projects. I'm very well surrounded. As for the artists, Im highly inspired by Sia. I find her amazingly talented both vocally and creativity. I also admire Ed Sheeran for the messages communicated in the lyrics and the quality of his songs. Birdy is another artist I look up to.
Stosh & Skittles; We dreams that one days daddy will leaves us in the kitchen with all of his foodie things!! What is your biggest dreams or accomplishme
Kellie-Anne; Haha! I'm sure you'll figure out a way to eat the yummy food your daddy prepares ;) My biggest dream would be to be recognized as someone who can help people with my music. If people tell me that I made a difference because of my song, I will know I have achieved my biggest dream. I want to bring happiness in people's lives. I am fortunate to be happy. And I want the entire world to be at peace and able to smile.
Thanks Stoosh and Skittles! Let me know if you need to know anything else! Thanks for your questions :)

P.S. FYI Stoosh & Skittles live with Dale and somewhere in the region of 40 animals now, unless he counts all of the stick insects, in which case I have over 100!!
Dale Preece-Kelley Owner / Animal Assisted Therapy Practitioner
Critterish Allsorts - "Unleashing The Healing Power of Animals"
01562 67048 or 07794342355
Find us on Facebook; Twitter @CritterishUK / @therapyskunks / @DalePK_Author
WINNER : 2016 Acquisition International Business Excellence Award "Best Bespoke Animal Presentations"
WINNER : 2017 Acquisition International Business Excellence Award "Best Animal Assisted Therapy Provider"
NOMINEE : 2017 UK Enterprise Awards (Awaiting Results)
Thank You, Paul Cody
OBSESSED with helping you Share Your Passion as a Legay to Kids and Your Children's Children's Children